Today Is Your Last Day To Use “Fossil Fuels”
I am writing this on Wednesday, 06/21/23
Today is the last day, according to Greta Thunberg.
On Thursday, 06/22/23, we celebrate the beginning of the end.
I better explain.
Five years ago, almost to the day, climate activist Greta Thunberg posted on Twitter that she had it on good authority that we needed to stop using "fossil fuels" in the next 5 years.
She did not say that the planet would explode if we failed to heed this warning.
But, like many who have made this prediction before her, not doing so would send the planet on a disastrous death spiral with no chance of recovery.
Before we move on, let's look at precisely what Gretta said.
It's important to put this into the context of other statements she has made on this topic.
Here is her tweet on Twitter from almost 5 years ago.
Looking at previous statements made by Gretta, and this scientist, they are not saying that we all suddenly DIE!
More like this will be the beginning of the end and there is nothing we can do about it beyond that point.
Recently somebody pointed out the Gretta that her 5-year mark was at hand.
It seems that she might have taken the tweet down after this was pointed out. Nobody can find it and she's not talking about it.
This is not the first time someone had made a claim like this.
Back in 2006, Al Gore claimed that we had 10 years, or we would reach a tipping point of no return.
2016 came and went and Mr. Gore tried to make the case that everything he said had come true.
Then he kicked the can down the road and offered another 12 years.
Many other people have made predictions like this, only to kick the can down the road, later.
Back to Gretta Thunberg.
The date on her tweet is June 21st, 2018.
We have until then to stop using all "fossil fuels." (More accurately called Organic Fuels).
If we do not stop using them by the end of the 21st of this month, which is a Wednesday, I'm throwing a party.
To hell with the news of the day.
What does it matter anymore?
My morning talk radio format is out the window and the party is ON!
Join us as we play end-of-the-world music and talk about what we will be doing with the time we have left.
Why show up to work?
Are you a VEGAN? HAVE A BURGER. What the hell?
Stop driving your "eco-friendly car" and go get a big diesel SUV.
To be heard on such great radio stations as K2 radio, AM, and FM - KGAB and KOWB.
Also streaming live on the Wake Up Wyoming App or visit the Wake Up Wyoming website.
See you on the radio, on June 22nd, at the beginning of the end.
At you thinking you might want to find a "DOOMSDAY SHELTER" and wait it out?
There are old missile silos for sale in Wyoming.