Coming up this summer, Casper will play host to an awesome, star-studded, three day event for all fans of pop culture.

The Wyoming Pop Culture Convention will take place beginning on Friday, July 7th, 2023 and go through Sunday, July 9th, 2023.

I had the pleasure of speaking with the event coordinator, Karla Sims, about the event. She stated:

Wyoming pop culture convention is July 7th - 9th 2023, at the Best Western Downtown Casper (formally the Parkway Plaza). We have cosplay contest lined up. We are planning on having an exclusive area for games (Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, Magic: The Gathering) . We will have guest panels for voice actors, cosplay designers and actors. We have over 60 vendors so far from all around Wyoming and the surrounding states. We also have comic book artists.
So far our celebrities are: Tom Arnold, Martin Klebba, Jason London, Morgan Berry, Leilani Shiu, Keith Coogan, Lisa Fuson, Ming Chen, Jeremy Ambler, Wesley Eure, Kathy Coleman, Charlie Schlatter and many more!
Tickets start out at $10 for kids single day and $75 for adults VIP 3-day passes.
We have plenty of room for more vendors. We welcome any and all sponsors. We have a secret tiered level of sponsorship that come with some after hour perks as well.
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For more details about the event (special guests, sponsorship opportunities and more), follow the official Wyoming Pop Culture Convention Facebook page here or the website here.

This is an event you don't want to miss. As their tagline states: "bringing pop culture to the Cowboy State".

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