Here’s Where Wyomingites Love To Eat After Getting Hammered
After having a few beers with the boys, a girls night out or just blowing off steam, you're probably going to get hungry at the end of the night.
Drunk food, is sometimes the best food. You don't care as much about how good or how bad the food is, how unhealthy it may be, or where you eat. There is a chance though, that if you're having a drunk night in Wyoming, you're stopping in to have a 4th meal and we think they're wrong.
I'm thinking this is just another one of those 'best of in the state' lists, that the people that have never been to Wyoming threw a dart at a list of restaurants and just happened to hit a restaurant.
List Wire just put out a state-by-state list of where each state likes to hit after the bars. It's probably not going to surprise you that fast food burger restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King and Jack In The Box, dominate in most states...but NOT in Wyoming?
Here's a rundown of what restaurants our neighboring states enjoy.
Our friends to the south in Colorado like heading for the Golden Arches.
East in South Dakota, they like to hit up Burger King.
Idaho on the west side, fancies Jack in the Box (probably for the tacos)
Montana enjoys Wendy's and if you've seen the lines at Wendy's in Casper, you'd think that would be tops in the Cowboy State....but nope.
I'm questioning the choice they gave Wyoming, there are only 14 of these restaurants in the entire state of Wyoming and the majority of them are in the southern part of the state.
Taco Bell? Excuse me? There's no way.
Casper and Cheyenne each have 2, and Burns, Evanston, Fort Bridger, Green River, Laramie, Rawlins, Riverton, Rock Springs and Sheridan all have 1.
I'm sure if we did an actual survey of Wyomingites, Taco John's, Pancho's, McD's or Wendy's would be higher than Taco Bell.
What's your go-to 'after drinking' food? Let me know. drew.kirby@townsquaremedia.com