When the calendar flips to August, even though it's still summertime, many people start planning on converting their homes into "It's Fall Y'all" mode.

Fall colors and decorations start coming out of the garage, basement, attic or storage unit.


Then when the calendar flips to October, the decorations go from harmless fall scenes, to dark and twisted Halloween themed decorations.


Those last until early November, then you go to deep fall/ Thanksgiving decorations.


Then its on to Christmas decorating.


When you have such quick turnaround between decorating seasons, if you have an organized system in place, you can quickly change your house over. Think about how much easier it would be if you didn't have to guess on which decoration were where.

The thing is, you have to keep with the system or the system will be broken. Especially in a state like Wyoming, you could be changing these special decorations in snowy, cold, nasty weather. Putting decorations away dirty, wet or grimy will ensure that you'll have to purchase new decorations when you begin the decoration roulette over the next year.

Most of us try to have some sort of plan when it comes to our homes. If lack of storage is an issue, having a really detailed system, may not be possible. Even if you just put the decorations into seasonal groups, that's better than just tossing stuff into a box and putting it away.

If you're looking for a new system, Triple7movers.com has a nice list of suggestions to help you have a system that works, cut down on decorating time and saving space while storing your decorations.

Great Tips For Storing Decorations

Quick turnaround for decorating between August and November, deserves a quick turnaround system. Save time, energy and frustration.

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