Thankfully, Girl Scout cookies only go on sale one time per year. There's no way our waistlines could handle those sweet morsels being sold all year.

If you're a planner and have great self-control, you could order and freeze a few cases. Either way, your opportunity to buy your cookies for this year is rapidly approaching.

The Girl Scout Cookie season in Wyoming and Montana starts on January 31. Pre-orders are on sale from the first day of the program to February 16.

Annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale is Coming To Wyoming


You can begin ordering the cookies at on February 21. From March 21 to April 13, you can purchase them at cookie booths all over the state.

Why are cookie sales important for the scouts?

There are many benefits of the girls selling the cookies.

  • Goal Setting
  • Decision Making
  • Money Management
  • People Skills
  • Business Ethics

For over 100 years, girls have been learning and growing from the Girl Scouts, and cookies have been a big part of that growth. In the early days of the Scouts, the cookies were made at home by the girls and sold door-to-door as a fundraising event.

Today, the sale of cookies is so large that there are two cookie factories in the country. This, by the way, is why some of the cookies have different names. For instance, some people in the country call the Caramel deLites Somoas.

The history of the Girl Scouts is incredible, and it's a great way to get your daughters involved with an organization ready to help prepare your girls for the future.

How much a box of Girl Scout cookies costs throughout the years

February is the time of year we see Girl Scouts out hustling hard to sell their scrumptious cookies. We all know that the price of a box has gone up, but do you know how much the price has increased? Thanks to, we now know.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

Ranking The Best Girl Scout Cookies

Ranking my favorite Girl Scout Cookies!

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman

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