If you can't function or remember anything without making a list, this is for you. There are currently two built-in dates per year to help remind you to do certain things around the house for your family's safety.

Going into and coming out of daylight savings time are great times to check these items off your list.

  1. Change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detector - Flames can quickly spread through a home. Your chances of surviving are doubled when you have working detectors. It's a great idea to change and test the batteries at least once in the spring and once in the fall.
  2. Flip or rotate your mattress - To ensure it wears evenly and lasts longer, flip or rotate it at least twice yearly. Mattress designs vary,  and you may have a mattress that isn't flippable, so just rotating it will do the job.
  3. Wash your pillows - You probably wash your sheets a couple of times per month, but forget about your pillow. Due to oils, dead skin, sweat, and dust mites, you should wash your pillows at least twice yearly.
  4. Check the expiration dates - Pantries, freezers, and bathrooms are likely candidates for expired products. Food and medical supplies all have dates printed on them to let you know when their shelf life is gone. Tossing the expired stuff will let you know what needs to be replaced.
  5. Clean refrigerator coils - Pulling out your fridge and vacuuming the coils can extend its life and help ensure it runs efficiently.
  6. Dryer vents and ducts - When using a clothes dryer, hot air is pushed out of your house, pushing out lint. A lint build-up could be hazardous for your home and cause a fire. Use your vacuum or shop vac to remove lint from the vents and ducts inside and outside your home.
  7. Change the filters - To ensure efficiency, the filters in your home AC/Heating units, water filtration systems, humidifier/dehumidifier, and vacuums must be changed twice yearly.
  8. Clean to oven - Holiday cooking and baking will take a toll on your ovens. Giving this essential appliance a good cleaning will keep it in tip-top shape.
  9. Emergency KitsBeing prepared is an important task. Check your home and vehicle kits to ensure you have an ample supply of batteries, food, water, medical supplies, and any other items that may have been used over the last six months.

Must-Have Items In Your Emergency Go-Kit

Top 17 Ways Americans End Up In The Emergency Room

The personal injury attorneys at John Foy & Associates, using information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), examined the non-fatal injuries that came into emergency rooms over the course of a year. See the #1 entry in the Top 17 Ways Americans Land In the Emergency Room for full methodology.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow



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