Wyoming Highway Patrol Shares Video of Truck and Trailer Careening Out of Control
The Wyoming Highway Patrol recently shared a video in which a truck carrying a trailer behind it was careening out of control due to hazardous road conditions.

It's unknown when the video was actually taken, but the WHP shared some advice on how to drive in hazardous weather.
"When traveling in bad weather, remember to reduce your speed, turn off cruise control, and scan the road ahead for hazards," the WHP wrote on their Facebook page. "If you find yourself stuck in the snow and unable to get out on your own, call for help and stay inside your vehicle with your seatbelt on. Remember, if you slid off then someone else is also likely to slide off in that area. After you call for assistance, wait for response personnel to come to you."
The video itself looks as though it were taken from the Trooper's dash cam, as he had pulled somebody over, which led to their next bit of advice.
"If you have to exit your vehicle due to hazards, pay attention to your surrounding and move quickly to safety (e.g. behind a guardrail or uphill)," WHP continued. "If you see emergency lights or flashing lights ahead, be prepared to stop, the road ahead may be completely blocked."
In the video, it didn't look like anybody was injured, but it did illustrate just how treacherous the roads can be during these cold, icy, winter months. That being said, the WHP closed out their post with a final warning.
"Travel safely, designate a sober driver, and always wear your seatbelt."