Is It Legal To Have a Pet Kangaroo in Wyoming?
No, it isn't.
First, a shout-out to Frank Gambino for throwing this Glenn's way, which naturally garnered my opinion too.
It was an off-handed joke of a comment, but I find it entertaining enough to share from my perspective too: the legality of owning a pet kangaroo in the United States. The map below, shared originally from RedBubble and then through Facebook, highlights what states allow owning a kangaroo openly, which states allow it with a permit, and which have made it illegal.
Green is without a permit, orange with a permit, and red is illegal.
Um, Wyoming, we're missing out on something good here.
Perks of owning a kangaroo: unique pet to draw crowds, you can get away with regularly speaking to him in an Australian accent, extra storage space (thanks Glenn, for that comment), a security pet no one would be prepared for, and on that note, my favourite part - a pet that can kick the crap out of unwanted persons, and we're not talking a cute little donkey kick. Man, I can see so many uses for that.
Cons of owning a kangaroo: I guess technically they can actually be super dangerous and I do believe the people of Wyoming might be a little unprepared for this weirdly-savvy bear-like-but-not-a-bear phenomenon. If we can't trust tourists not to try to pet a bison or a bear, we definitely can't trust people not to box with a kangaroo. And, for the sake of the 'roos, keeping them safe and healthy is not an easy task.
Kangaroos need, at the minimum, an experienced vet, PLENTY of open space, and a very special diet. Well, one of my best friends is studying veterinary medicine, so eventually I could have a vet regularly on-hand. Open space? This is Wyoming, friends. Less people than antelope. 2nd lowest population density of the 50 states. Got it. As for the special dietary needs and expenses - I don't plan to purchase my kangaroo until I'm famous enough to be properly eccentric, and at that point, I'm sure I can also afford specific food costs.
Pet kangaroos are definitely a real thing for some people and are being bred through Canada and parts of the U.S. for ownership purposes. While it's no small feat to own one, and yes, currently illegal in Wyoming - I promise I deserve one.
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