Gun Goes Off During Wyoming Hunter Safety Course; No Injuries Reported
No injuries were reported following the accidental discharge of a firearm during a hunter education course in Rawlins on Monday, according to a statement from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
"We are very thankful that no one was injured," George Oberstadt, the department's hunter education coordinator, said in the statement.
The department says students were "present and on break" as certified volunteer instructors prepared firearms for the hands-on portion of the class when the gun went off. The statement did not include details such as the model of firearm discharged, the number of students present or the place where the bullet ultimately lodged.
An official report has not yet been finalized. A complete review is ongoing, and the department says appropriate action will be taken in accordance with protocols and policies.
The hunter education class was being held at the Department of Corrections training facility in Rawlins.
"Our primary goal with hunter education is to teach safe firearm handling to prevent hunting accidents," Oberstadt said in the news release. "There are stringent protocols in place for firearm handling hunter education classrooms to ensure safety."
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