I like to be a champion for spreading the word not only about the Wyoming we know and love, but the Wyoming we used to be. That's one reason I find it compelling when I come across adventurers that share their experiences in what's left of our ghost towns. That includes a video of Miner's Delight, Wyoming.

Ramblin Pam on YouTube shared her experiences in what used to be Hamilton City and/or Miner's Delight, Wyoming which still has a small number of buildings still standing.

Miner's Delight is documented on Wikipedia which has some of its rich history. As with many of our ghost towns, it was a thriving area in the late 1860's. Wikipedia shared one infamous moment from Miner's Delight involving a famous theft:

A famous incident involving Miner's Delight occurred there in March 1893, which was widely covered in the press at the time in Cheyenne and throughout Wyoming, and came to be known as "the brass lock service mystery". Miner's Delight postmaster, James "Jimmy" Kime had attempted to ship eight registered letters via the Rawlins and Northwestern's line's Lander-to-Rawlins stagecoach to the Postmaster in Rawlins using the "brass lock service"...When Kime's pouch reached its destination in Rawlins some 120 miles to the southeast, however, the postmaster there discovered that someone had cut the pouch and stolen all the registered letters.

Legends of America mentions that Miner's Delight was the home of famous western personality Calamity Jane for a period of time before she ended up in Deadwood, South Dakota with Wild Bill Hickok.

It's stories and legends like this that require we never let the Miner's Delights of our state to fade from memory. They are a part of the fabric that made Wyoming what it is today and will be tomorrow.

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