July 29 | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Additional Information

Women for Sobriety meets weekly on Monday nights.

The purpose of Women for Sobriety (WFS) is to help all women find their individual path to recovery through discovery of self, gained by sharing experiences, hopes and encouragement with other women in similar circumstances. We are an abstinence-based self-help program for women facing issues of alcohol or drug addiction. Our “New Life” Program acknowledges the very special needs women have in recovery – the need to nurture feelings of self-value and self-worth and the desire to discard feelings of guilt, shame, and humiliation.

Women for Sobriety is not affiliated with any other recovery organization and we stand on our own principles and philosophies. We believe that addiction began to overcome stress, loneliness, frustration or emotional deprivation in daily life – dependence often resulted. Addictions are overcome with abstinence and the knowledge gained through the principles and philosophies of WFS.

For more information about the organization, visit www.WomenForSobriety.org and for information about the Monday night meetings, email 1093@womenforsobriety.org.