Eating Disorder Expert To Speak At University of Wyoming
An expert on eating disorders and body image is speaking at the University of Wyoming on Tuesday, April 7, at 10 a.m. The free presentation, “Eating Disorders, Body Image and the Media,” will take place in room 221 of the UW Union.
Caroline Neumann, a primary therapist at the Eating Disorder Center of Denver, is the speaker.
Neumann prioritizes the importance of therapeutic relationships in addition to other significant relationships within a patient's life. She explores past and present experiences, creates new emotional experiences and empowers patients toward behavioral change.
“We live in a world that is obsessed with women’s bodies, or at least an idealized, pigeon-holed version of them,” she says. “The media perpetuate the idea that one particular body type is exemplary, no matter how unattainable it may be for the vast majority of women.”
For more information, call Caroline Johnson at the UW Counseling Center, (307) 766-2187.
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