Have you ever owned an Airsoft Gun in your lifetime? If you answered "no", you missed out on some major fun in life.

Airsoft guns are replica toy firearms, but when I say replica, I mean right down to details and size! I owned a few well into my adult years. I was actually in my early twenties (and in the Marine Corps) when I finally gave them up. I started with a 9mm pistol and worked my way up to a fully automatic Tech 9. My final major Airsoft purchase was a MK5 (the SWAT Team machine gun), which I paid a pretty penny for in Okinawa, Japan.

In the early 90s, there were actually kids in big cities being shot and killed for pointing them at police officers! The above video, created by BrewStewFilms, is way too accurate, but hilarious at the same time. I literally lived this, right down to the ending (that I won't spoil for you).

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Gallery Credit: DJ Nyke

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