Bill In Wyoming Legislature Would Protect Working Animal Access
A bill that is being proposed for the upcoming session of the Wyoming Legislature would prevent counties and towns from banning working animals.
You can read House Bill 66 here.
The bill would not apply to situations where the animals are banned by zoning ordinances or public health/public safety orders. The bill says:
"No city or town shall enact an ordinance or policy that terminates, bans or unduly impedes a person from using a working animal in lawful commerce or animal enterprise."
It goes on to define working animals as follows:
''As used in this section, "working animal" means a nonhuman animal used primarily for the purpose of performing a specific duty or function in commerce or animal enterprise including human service, legal hunting, agriculture, ranching, husbandry, transportation, education, competition, tourism, entertainment or exhibition. The term does not include rabbits, llamas, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry or any other animal that is used primarily for the production of food or fiber.''
The bill is being sponsored by Rep. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams [R-Park County] and several co-sponsors.
The legislature is slated to meet in a 20-day budget session in Cheyenne starting on Feb. 14. Non-budget items such as House Bill 66 will need a two-thirds majority vote for introduction.
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