Alcohol Related Arrests Are Number One In Yellowstone Jail
Did you know that Yellowstone National Park has it's own jail? Sure enough they do! I bet you can't guess what the #1 thing that guests will spend time in the clink for...Yep, you guessed it! BOOZE!
According to the Yellowstone National Park Facebook page, DUI and DWI's are the top infractions. It's amazing what people think they can get away with in Yellowstone. Being close too animals, taunting animals, getting too close to geysers, and being hammered in places you're NOT supposed to be are the top reasons you could go to "Park Jail" in Yellowstone.
I know, you're wondering what "park jail" is like. Is it 3 hot's and a cot? Are there Yellowstone jail gangs to be worried about? Are we talking 'Shawshank Redemption"?
According to Yellowstone Jail Supervisor Sarah Bouska, the park jail claims to have
"the best prison food, cleanest cells and best hospitality she's ever experienced!"
Those that have bad enough luck to go to "Park jail" could be involved with the U.S. Marshalls service and end up being a case subject with the US Assistant Attorney. Being a "guest" of the park jail also comes with a Class B misdemeanor to start with and going up according to the charge you've been given.
It's not a good idea to think you are invincible when doing dumb things in a National Park. Can you imagine having to tell you friends that you had to spend time in a National Park Jail? It's not a good idea, that's for sure! Let's be courteous, use our good brain and NOT cause issues "because you're on vacation".
There are only 2 National Parks with their own jail.. Interestingly enough, . America's FIRST park, Yellowstone and California's Yosemite National Park.
NEXT UP: 10 Absolute WORST Tourist Incidents at Yellowstone National Park
A Field Guide To Wyoming Tourist Types
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