23 Wyomingites Have Died In The War On Terror — These Are Their Names
Twenty-year-old Rylee McCollum was just a baby when the 9/11 attacks rocked the United States nearly 20 years ago.
But last week, the Bondurant native and US Marine gave the ultimate sacrifice as US involvement in Afghanistan draws to a close. McCollum was one of 13 US service members to die in the attack on Hamid Karzai International Airport.
McCollum was the 23rd Wyomingite to die in the War on Terror, which began shortly after the 9/11 attacks.
McCollum joins Wyomingites from all over the state from places ranging from Burns to Casper who have died serving since 9/11.
These are their names:
War in Afghanistan:
- US Army Spc. Jonn J. Edmunds (Cheyenne), Pakistan, October 19, 2001 - Helicopter Crash
- US Army Lt. Col. Charles Munier (Wheatland), Kabul Province, June 12, 2006 - Non-Hostile
- US Army National Guard Capt. Bruce E. Hays (Cheyenne), Paktika Province, September 17, 2008 - IED Attack
- US Marine Corps LCpl Jacob A. Ross (Gillette), Helmand Province, March 24, 2010 - Small Arms Fire
- US Marine Corps LCpl Sean M. N. O'Connor (Douglas), Helmand Province, June 12, 2011 - Hostile Fire
- US Army CSM Kevin J. Griffin (Riverton), Kunar Province, August 8, 2012 - Suicide Bomber
- US Army National Guard CWO Andrew L. McAdams (Cheyenne), Parwan Province, January 10, 2014 - Helicopter Crash
- US Marine Corps LCpl Riley J. McCollum (Jackson), Kabul Province, August 26, 2021 - Suicide Bomber
War In Iraq:
- US Army Sgt. Brendon Curtis Reiss (Casper), Dhi Qar Province, March 23, 2003 - Hostile Fire
- US Army PFC Joseph Patrick Mayek (Rock Springs), Baghdad Province, April 14, 2003 - Accidental Weapon Discharge
- US Army Capt. Leif E. Nott (Cheyenne), Diyala Province, July 30, 2003 - Hostile Fire
- US Army Captain Robert L. Lucero (Casper), Salah ah Din Province, September 25, 2003 - Hostile Fire
- US Marine Corps LCpl Kyle W. Burns (Laramie), Anbar Province, November 11, 2004 - Hostile Fire
- US Army SSgt Brian D. Bland (Newcastle), Anbar Province, January 26, 2005 - Helicopter Crash
- US Army PFC James Arellano (Cheyenne), Baghdad Province, August 17, 2006 - IED Attack
- US Army SSgt Theodore A. Spatol (Thermopolis), Province N/A, December 14, 2006 - Non-Hostile (Illness)
- US Army Spc Jason J. Corbett (Casper), Anbar Province, January 15, 2017 - Small Arms Fire
- US Army Pvt Scott A. Miller (Casper), Diyala Province, June 9, 2007 - Small Arms Fire
- US Army SSgt Brian M. Long (Burns), Baghdad Province, June 10, 2007 - Explosion
- US Army SSgt David D. Julian (Evanston), Baghdad Province, March 10, 2008 - Suicide Bomber
- US Army SSgt Tyler E. Pickett (Saratoga), Kirkuk Province, June 8, 2008 - IED Attack
- US Army SSgt Ryan L. Zorn (Upton), Niewa Province, November 16, 2009 - Vehicle Rollover
- US Army SFC Phillip C. Tanner (Sheridan), Kuwait, October 26, 2010 - Non-Hostile
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